Introduction to ObjectiveC iOS Programming
Duration: 5 Days
Intended Audience
This course is aimed at those who are new Objective-C programming. Some programming experience is required, e.g. PHP programming or Javascript programming, but a knowledge of C programming is not assumed. The course covers, thoroughly, the underlying C on which Objective C is based and, also provides a solid introduction to Object Oriented programming concepts and practice making extensive use of UML diagrams to illustrate concepts and design techniques.
- Overview of C and Objective C
- Introduction to Object Oriented concepts and Object Oriented Programming
- Mastering the XCode IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Creating and building projects
- The C foundations of Objective C
- Basic data types
- Variables, operators, expressions and operators
- Functions
- Flow control
- if - else, and switch statements
- for, while and do - while statements
- break, continue, goto
- arrays and pointers
- data structures
- Introduction to Object Oriented Thinking and Programming
- Classes
- Instances
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Understanding the Objective C runtime
- Vreation, management and destruction of objects
- Class interface specification
- Visibility modifiers
- Class implementation
- Creating instances of classes
- Invoking methods on instances
- Advanced Topics
- Dynamic typing and binding
- The id type
- How dynamic binding works
- Using isKindOf to determine the type of an instance
- Case study: a heterogenous linked list containing a variety of node types
- Protocols
- Basic concept
- Inheritance of protocols
- conformsTo
- Categories
- Categories as an alternative to subclassing
- Introduction to the Objective C Foundation Classes
- Introduction to Frameworks
- Overview of the Cocoa framework
- Overview of Cocoa Touch