Course SWEB102 - Introduction to RDFa - Concepts, E-Business and E-Government Applications
Duration: 2 Days
Intended Audience and Prerequisites
The course is aimed at web designers, architects, and application developers who need to understand the concepts and technologies underpinning RDFa and the practical uses of RDFa. Attendees are expected to be familiar with HTML and XHTML and the web in general. No deep understanding of XML is required, although some familiarity with XML would be an advantage.Synopsis
This is a taught course, which will cover the XML and RDF underpinnings of RDFa and actual and potential uses of RDFa.
- Background to RDFa
- Information vs. knowledge
- Why Semantic information is both valuable and useful
- Uses to which semantic information can be put in Web applications
- Brief history of RDFa
- Foundations of XML
- Tags, Elements and Entities
- XML Documents
- Using XML to model information
- Using XML to model information
- XML Namespaces
- Documents Describing Documents (DTD and XMLS)
- Overview of how CSS and XML can be used together
- Overview of XML document pathfinding - XPath and XPointer
- Overview of XML document transformation - XSLT
- Overview of XHTML
- Resource Description Framework
- RDF triples
- RDF Semantic Network
- XML Syntax for RDF
- RDF containers
- RDF Knowledge Bases
- RDF Stores
- Overview of RDF Schema (RDFS)
- Overview of RDF Ontcpparaogies
- RDFa
- Concepts
- RDF Attributes
- RDFa Syntax
- Overview of Dublin Core metadata
- Overview of Dublin Core metadata
- Using Ontcpparaogies with RDFa
- example using the FOAF (Friend of a Friend) Ontology
- Use cases and scenarios illustrating RDFa's potential
- RDFa and accessibility
- E-Government applications of RDFa
- Business applications of RDFa
- Social networking applications of RDFa