First Technology Transfer

Standard and Advanced Technical Training, Consultancy and Mentoring

Version Control and Configuration Management Courses

Many projects fail to generate expected results and benefits as a result of poor management, testing and control. This is examplified by symptoms such as lack of version control and centralised storage of project resources, badly thought out ( or non existent or ad hoc ) testing strategies, poor error and problem tracking, poor documentation, and, projects that grow without adequate management control and, as a result, suffer from "scope creep".

Over the years FTT has developed courses and modules that assist applications developers and project managers gain mastery and awareness of topics such as version control, issue and bug tracking, unit testing, rapid development and prototyping ( agile and extreme programming ), analysis and modeling, as well as topics such as test automation, log file analysis, standardisation for safety critical software development and XML for system configuration and data exchange.

Version control is generally accepted as an important part of managing multi-developer projects. It can be used, not only for software developers, but, also for document management, web publishing, and control of engineering drawings and designs. Two of the most widedly used version control systems, nowadays, are Subversion (SVN) and GIT. FTT has run successful version control courses for many organisations including, The Economist, Yahoo, Last Minute Dot Com, and Roke Manor Research. Subversion and GIT can be integrated with IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) such as Visual Studio and Eclipse and we have adapted modules to include use of SVN/GIT from within Visual Studio, Eclipse and Microchip MPLABX when asked to do so. Subversion and GIT can also be integrated with Tracker systems such as Trac and JIRA and we can run combined SVN or GIT with Trac or combined SVN or GIT with JIRA courses if required. We can also, if needed, provide courses covering hookscript implementation for SVN and GIT in e.g. Python or Bash. Please inquire.